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Drunken Soldier


Keep your head up
Try and listen to your heart
Be kind always, no matter
We all grow up
And someday well say goodbye
So shine your light while got one

Make the most of what you've got
Don't waste time being trying to be something you're not
Fill up your head and fill up you heart and take your shot
Don't waste time trying to be something you're not
Once round just once so take your shot
Don't waste time trying to be something you're not
Fill up your head and fill up you heart cuz that all we got
Don't waste time trying to be something you're not

Through you window
That's one way to see the world
Step outside and look back into
Look and listen
And you decide what to believe
Shine your light while you got one

And make the most of what you got
Don't waste time trying to be something you're not
Fill up your head and fill up your heart and take your shot
Don't waste time trying to be someone you're not

That's not a star that's a satellite
Step it out
Step it out

That's not a star that's a satellite

That's not a star that's a satellite

That's not a star that's a satellite

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