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About DaveTabs
As a lifelong devoted Dave Matthews Band fan, I was inspired to learn how to play the guitar and "play like Dave" several years ago. Fortunately, resources to learn how to play DMB songs were available on the internet. The DMB community figured out how to play DMB songs and there were some great sites that made the tabs easy to find. Unfortunately over time, many of these sites were not maintained and became out-of-date. So, I decided to take it upon myself to build a new site that would be updated (including the tabs that had been missing during the previous years), user-friendly, and teach anyone who wanted to play DMB songs on the guitar. This site is for all those who want to learn how to play the guitar, play DMB songs, or "play like Dave".
Importantly, I want to credit and thank J Kanter of DMBtabs and the rest of the DMBtabs crew for being the first to make a wonderfully accurate and organized site to learn DMB tabs. I appreciate the tremendous amount of time that it takes to create a guitar tablature site and can not thank them enough. Over the years, when updates stopped coming to DMBtabs, some fans took it amongst themselves to make accurate tabs and post them on various sites scattered online. The goal of DaveTabs remains to have all DMB tabs on one organized and maintained site so that anyone can easily find any DMB song and learn how to play it on the guitar.
Enjoy the site!
Thanks to all who have contributed to tabs on this site or other sites. A special thanks to ‘younevrknow41’ who is responsible for some of the Big Whiskey tabs on DaveTabs.
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