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Sort by Song Difficulty
Easier Songs
These "easier" songs are suggested for the beginner on guitar. Many of these songs are simple chord combinations that even a beginner can learn quickly. You may be surprised to actually find some of your favorite songs included in this list!
A Whiter Shade of Pale All Along the Watchtower
American Baby
American Baby Intro Anyone Seen the Bridge
Blue Water
Cortez the Killer
Crazy-Easy Deed is Done
Just learning to play the guitar? This should be a useful resource to help you get started playing!
More experienced? Challenge yourself to see if you can master all the tougher DMB songs listed here!
Note that song "difficulty" can very much be a matter of personal guitar skills and ability and vary greatly player to player. You may find a song in the difficult category that's actually easier for you to play than a song in the easier category (and vice versa), but this should be helpful (and fun) to reference overall!
Tougher Songs
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